Face shaving tips: exfoliate to start

When it comes to shaving, smoothness starts at the molecular level. That’s where exfoliation comes into play.

Exfoliation refers to the removal of dead skin cells in order to leave behind smoother skin cells. One way to exfoliate is to use a face scrub to buff away oil, dirt, and old cells that might be matting down facial hair and blocking your razor's path. But the act of shaving itself also exfoliates dead skin cells.

After exfoliating with a face wash shave your face and rinse with cool water to close pores and soothe the skin. Then, pat your face dry, and apply a lightweight aftershave moisturiser, such as Series® Sensitive Skin Aftershave Balm.

During a shave, men take between 30-700 strokes. That is what makes exfoliating before shaving even more important. See below the Gillette re-stroke challenge with ProGlide® Manual Razor With Flexball Handle Technology.

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