Pasos para obtener una depilación perfecta de las axilas

How to shave your armpits

Tips for underarm shaving

Learn how to trim and shave armpit hair like a pro, and add it to your shaving ritual

Shaving your underarms

Armed with the right tools, like the All Purpose Gillette STYLER and Gillette BODY, shaving your underarms is pretty simple. Follow these steps to get great results, every time:

STEP 1: Select a fixed comb length

The right comb length on your body hair trimmer can help you tame full, natural growth that hasn’t been touched by a razor for a while – or ever. The All Purpose Gillette STYLER comes with three comb attachments (2mm, 4mm, 6mm) for you to choose from.

STEP 2: Trim

Trim your underarm hair. Trimming the hair before shaving can help prevent clogged blades.

STEP 3: Shower

The water will help soften your underarm hair (which can be wiry) and make it easier for the razor to glide over your skin. Gillette STYLER is waterproof so you can trim in the shower.

STEP 4: Lather up with shave gel

A good lather helps to hydrate hairs, enhance razor glide, andand protect your skin while you shave your underarms.

STEP 5: Check for dull blades

Blade feeling dull or lubrication strips looking faded? It may be time for you to swap your blade attachment before you begin.

STEP 6: Shave with light, gentle strokes

Shave with light, gentle strokes, rinsing often, and with the skin pulled taut. Gillette BODY is a good choice for shaving sensitive skin such as the underarms because it features a rounded head with 3 lubrication strips.

STEP 7: Rinse your blades often

Run the blades gently under the tap every few strokes, both the back and front sides of the blades, and then gently shake excess water off. Do not tap your razor against the sink or wipe against a towel; these habits can reduce the life of the razor by affecting the intricate design of the blade components. Rinsing the blades under running water helps to remove built built-up shaving gel, hair, and dead skin.

STEP 8: Shave in multiple directions

Underarm hair grows in all different directions, so choose a razor that’s designed to shave those tricky spots… like Gillette BODY.

STEP 9: Re-apply shave gel as needed

You may find that you need to shave over the same spot in different directions to get a smooth shave. In order to help prevent shaving rash on your underarm skin, ensure that you reapply shave gel before you re-stroke.

STEP 10: Rinse, dry, and moisturise

Moisturising after shaving your underarms is critical – it helps soothe the skin

Congrats! You have just mastered body grooming 101 !

With Gillette razors and trimmers, your personal grooming possibilities are endless.

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